Our Blog: We Love Being Optometrists & Opticians in Edmonton

Seeing Eye to Eye with Your Optometrist: What to Expect from a Comprehensive Eye Exam
Eye Exams Helio Optometry - We Lead With Eye Care to Deliver the Right Vision Care Eye Exams Helio Optometry - We Lead With Eye Care to Deliver the Right Vision Care

Seeing Eye to Eye with Your Optometrist: What to Expect from a Comprehensive Eye Exam

Ever wondered what happens during a comprehensive eye exam? In our latest post, Seeing Eye to Eye with Your Optometrist: What to Expect During a Comprehensive Eye Exam, we take you step-by-step through the process. From advanced diagnostic technology to personalized care, discover how these visits are about more than just getting a prescription—they're essential for your overall eye health. Whether it’s your first time or a routine check-up, we’ve got you covered!

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9516 149 St, Edmonton, AB, T5P 1J8

Sunday | CLOSED
Monday | 9am to 530pm Tuesday | 9am to 730pm Wednesday | 9am to 530pm Thursday | 9am to 730pm Friday | 9am to 530pm Saturday | 9am to 3pm

(780) 628-6855