The Ultimate Solution to Night Driving: A Review of Hoya's New Enroute Glasses

image of a man driving at night time in a SUV, trying to see the other cars on the road.

Nighttime driving can be a challenging experience for many of our patients, and it often serves as a significant motivator for them to seek appointments with our optometrists.

The issue of coping with the glare from oncoming headlights, the intense illumination of streetlights, and the distracting presence of brightly lit billboards transcends mere inconvenience; it poses a genuine safety concern. Moreover, with the ongoing advancements in automotive lighting technology, the problem of night driving discomfort seems to be escalating, making it a topic of even greater importance to address.

But what if there was a way to mitigate this glare? Enter Hoya's specialty prescription night driving glasses, designed to reduce nighttime glare and enhance driving comfort.

The Problem with Night Driving

Nighttime driving presents a unique set of challenges. The contrast between the darkness and the bright lights can cause discomfort, reduced contrast, and an increased reaction time. This glare can lead to eye strain, fatigue, and discomfort, making night driving a task many prefer to avoid. 

The 10 Most Common Complaints We Hear About Night Driving

  1. Glare from Oncoming Headlights: The brightness of oncoming vehicles' headlights can be temporarily blinding, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

  2. Reduced Visibility: Lower light conditions at night naturally reduce visibility, making it harder to see road markings, signs, pedestrians, and other hazards.

  3. Eye Strain: The contrast between darkness and bright lights, such as streetlights and headlights, can cause eye strain, leading to discomfort and fatigue.

  4. Difficulty Judging Distance and Speed: In low-light conditions, it becomes more challenging to accurately judge the distance and speed of other vehicles, which can be unsettling and potentially dangerous.

  5. Headlight Glare in Rearview and Side Mirrors: Glare isn't just a problem from the front. The reflection of headlights in rearview and side mirrors can also be a source of distraction and discomfort.

  6. Poor Weather Conditions: Fog, rain, and snow can further impair visibility at night, compounding the challenges of night driving.

  7. Feeling of Drowsiness: The body's natural response to darkness can induce feelings of drowsiness, reducing alertness and reaction time.

  8. Blurred Vision: Night driving can exacerbate issues like blurred vision, especially for those with certain eye conditions or suboptimal prescriptions.

  9. Difficulty in Seeing Pedestrians and Cyclists: Pedestrians and cyclists, who are less illuminated than vehicles, can be much harder to spot at night.

  10. Uncertainty in Unfamiliar Areas: Navigating unfamiliar areas is more challenging at night, as landmarks and signs are harder to identify.

Hoya's Solution: Specialty Glasses for Night Driving

Hoya, a leader in optical technology, has developed two types of prescription lenses specifically designed to address the challenges of night driving: the EnRoute and EnRoute Pro. These lenses are engineered to reduce glare, enhance contrast, and provide clearer vision, making night driving a more comfortable and safer experience. Like other night-driving glasses in this category, the EnRoute lenses cut light in the blue spectrum. These lenses are designed to cut the brightness from LED and Xenon headlights. However, they also improve light transmission in the visible spectrum to improve contrast and brightness.

So which EnRoute product is right for you? Let's take a look. 

EnRoute Lenses: Your Gateway to Comfortable Night Driving

The Enroute lenses are a fantastic starting point for those who experience moderate discomfort while driving at night. They feature an anti-reflective coating that significantly reduces glare from oncoming traffic and street lights. This coating also increases the transmission of light, ensuring that your vision is not only comfortable but also sharp and clear. 

The lens has a very subtle brown tint, and it might not be the best option for everyday wear. Many people, however, also find that this lens works well in an office setting for eye strain. 

"Enroute eyeglasses have truly transformed my driving experience. As an optical dispenser, I couldn't be more thrilled with the enhanced visual clarity and comfort they offer. These glasses are a game-changer, and I wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone looking to elevate their road trips!"
Paige, our Student Optician and Enroute enthusiast.

EnRoute Pro Lenses: The Ultimate Night Driving 

The EnRoute Pro lenses are ideal for those who find night driving particularly challenging or professional drivers like truck drivers, delivery people, or chauffeurs. Building on the benefits of the standard EnRoute lenses, the EnRoute Pro includes all the features of its Enroute lens. In addition, however, it also adds a contrast-enhancing filter to improve visual acuity and contrast, making it easier to see details in low-light conditions. The lens makes everything appear brighter. 

Cosmetically, the EnRoute Pro has a noticeable tint appearance to it, and we recommend it as an add-on pair of eyeglasses for night driving, similar to sunglasses for daytime driving. Unlike the late-night infomercial glasses, the EnRoute Pro is not a dramatic yellow-looking lens.

"Enroute Pro has been a revelation for me on the highway at night. With over 25 years of optical experience, I can confidently say that these glasses have significantly improved my night driving. The clarity and reduced glare make a world of difference, and I wholeheartedly endorse Enroute Pro for anyone looking to drive safer and more comfortably after dark."
Ray, Lead Licensed Optician with 25+ years of experience.

Comparing Enroute and Enroute Pro

While both lenses offer significant benefits for night drivers, the choice between Enroute and EnRoute Pro lenses depends on your needs and driving habits. The EnRoute lenses are an excellent choice for everyday drivers who experience some discomfort with nighttime glare. However, the Enroute Pro lenses are the way to go if you are frequently on the road at night or require the highest level of visual clarity and comfort. This includes professional truck drivers, delivery drivers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, ambulance drivers, tow truck operators, postal workers, Amazon drivers, and Uber/Lyft drivers.

Both lens designs are available as either single-vision lenses or progressive lenses. Currently, these lenses are available in Hoya's ultra-thin 1.6-index material to offer the clearest and lightest option. The progressive lenses also incorporate Hoya's unique Integrated Double Surface Design for more expansive visual fields and fast switching between distances. Enroute lenses also uses Hoya’s Balanced View Control, which helps to give stable image perception in dynamic driving situations.

A Clear Path Forward for Night Driving

By investing in either the EnRoute or EnRoute Pro lenses, you're not just improving your nighttime driving experience; you're also taking a significant step towards safer driving. Reduced glare and enhanced contrast mean you'll feel more comfortable and confident on the road. 

Remember, not all eyewear is the same. Investing in the right pair of glasses for your needs can make all the difference. Don't let nighttime glare control your driving experience. Stop by the optical to talk with one of our Licensed Opticians about Hoya's new specialty night driving glasses and see the night in a new light. 

As always, outside prescriptions are welcome, or you can book an eye exam online with one of our optometrists or call us at 780-628-6855 to speak with a staff member. We accept most major insurances. 

Would You Buy Night Driving Glasses?

Leave us a comment below in regards to night driving glasses. Do you own a pair already or would it be something you would consider purchasing for yourself?

Dr. Ross McKenzie | Optometrist

Dr. Ross McKenzie was born and raised in Saskatchewan. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Saskatchewan and went on to attend Pacific University College of Optometry outside Portland, Oregon, where he obtained his Optometry Degree. He later completed numerous internships, from Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii to Norton Sound Health Clinic in Alaska. Since 2003, Dr. McKenzie has practiced and owned multiple eye care clinics in the Edmonton area, including Stonewire Optometry, Eye-Bar Optometry and Helio Optometry. In addition, he's worked in ophthalmology clinics, gaining extensive knowledge in laser eye surgery and cataract surgery.

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