Our Blog: We Love Being Optometrists & Opticians in Edmonton
Tell me more about hard contact lenses.
Hard contact lenses or RGP’s are a great option for people with high prescriptions or corneal disease. Dr. Matt goes over some of the basics of RGP contact lenses.
How to Deal With Itchy Eyes
In this feature of Ask the Eye Doctor, we tackle at home remedies for itchy eyes caused by allergies.
Do you need a vision report form?
Do you need a drivers form filled out? Do you need a Bailey-Lovie contrast sensitivity test or colour vision testing for your employer? Dr. Matt goes over extra tests for occupational vision forms.
Is Crossing Your Eyes Bad?
Did your mom ever tell you not to cross your eyes because they would get stuck like that? In this blog post, we explore this eye care myth.
Vitalux Dose: How Many Tablets Should You Take?
Do you or a family member take Vitalux for macular degeneration?
Does Squinting Mean You Need Glasses?
Are you squinting more and more? Does squinting mean you need glasses? In this series of Ask the Eye Doctor, Dr. Matt Sobolewski answers this very question.
Where to Buy Cheap Prescription Safety Glasses in Edmonton?
Do you need prescription safety glasses at work? Our eye care clinic has a huge selection of brand name styles to choose from at affordable prices.
Do Contact Lenses Expire?
Have you ever wondered if the contact lenses in your bathroom are expired?
In this series of Ask the Eye Doctor, Dr. Ross McKenzie answers this very question.
Eye Exams: What you Need to Know
Do you know when you should go for an eye exam? We'll tell you everything you need to know!
How to Properly Clean Your Eyeglasses
Learn how your eye doctor cleans your eyeglasses in 5-easy to follow steps that won’t destroy your lenses. And no, it doesn’t involve a spray bottle and microfibre cloth.
5 Reasons You Should See an Eye Doctor Regularly
An eye examination is more than being able to see 20/20. They help detect the early signs of eye disease and allow you and your doctor to develop a treatment plan based on your personal and hereditary risk factors. No one wants to suffer from preventable vision loss. Learn more.
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9516 149 St, Edmonton, AB, T5P 1J8
Sunday | CLOSED
Monday | 9am to 530pm Tuesday | 9am to 730pm Wednesday | 9am to 530pm Thursday | 9am to 730pm Friday | 9am to 530pm Saturday | 9am to 3pm
(780) 628-6855